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Low Elo Podcast EP. 74 - What Eats Amoebas?

LCS Namageddon, The biggest patch of the season, and the little yordle that never changed, Dave, Christian, and Shea speculate on the future of pro play, starting items, and things that eat amoebas while Jeff's away at E3.

This week the team asks that you choose a champion and create their very own "Summer Activities List" of fun things they can do to celebrate the season. 

This episode's soundtrack is Summer Lover by Mia Doi Todd.

Download Low Elo Episode 74


Low Elo Podcast EP. 73 - Don't Just Go Die

The Low Elo League of Legends podcast continues after a week off to talk about Magma Chamber, the recent changes to the CLG lineup, Edward leaving Gambit, the new bundles and why meaningless deaths are meaningless (and logic to apply to avoid them).

This week is queue tips and we ask you for your best tip on beating or playing as Zac, the Secret Weapon. If you have such a tip or would like to ask us questions please email us at

Folow us on twitter at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

This episode's soundtrack is Don't Be Lonely by The Toothaches.

Download Low Elo Episode 73


Low Elo Podcast EP. 72 - Project Towel


This week in Low Elo we explain the LCS competitive format, Riot nerfs purple caster minions, we get trolled and the ever-present importance of high fives.

This week, the game is for prom season! We beg the question of which champion you would most prefer to chaparon your prom and then go on to answer Draven. If you'd like to provide your own (better) answer please email us at

Folow us on twitter at @EatGamer@LowEloDave @ThatDarkskeGuy and @RintheYordle.

This episode's soundtrack is Love Dub (promo mix vocal edit) by Pierlo.

Download Low Elo Episode 72


Low Elo Podcast EP. 71 - Ezreal OP Nerf Jarvan

What's new in League of Legends this week? Well, we've got two new teams in the LCS, two old teams in the LCS, blue Ezreal, Sejuani getting all crazy in here and of course shenanigans around the approaching All-Star games in Shanghai, China.

This week's game asks which champion is held up in customs and can't make it to China and what impact that might have on the tournament. We also read your emails and iTunes reviews. You can send game entries and emails to

The hosts can be reached at @EatGamer, @LowEloDave and @ThatDarkskeGuy.

Don't forget to like us on Facebook (we would totally like you if we could)!

This episode's soundtrack is Rednecks with White Faces by Caühaüs.

Download Low Elo Episode 71