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New Merch! New Prices!

Hello Everybody! Jeff here.

I want to thank everyone for their support this last year at Low Elo. 100% of all purchases made in the store go back into the podcast, website and community. We use that money to pay for the products, shipping and materials. Your generosity and enthusiasm in the community helps us pay for web space, hosting and other things like better microphones, software and advertising to get the word out. 

I've got three updates that I'm excited to deliver to you all regarding our merch store.

First off, if you've ordered wristbands or stickers lately you may have noticed a few extra items in your order.

I did this because I'm awesome.

The full story is that I've been planning to reduce prices on those items for a while now but didn't want any of you to regret your purchases once we rolled out the changes.

The second update is that I've made a minor change to the store so that it now uses a simple Paypal cart. This way, you can purchase multiple items and get a shipping total for the whole order. Links to your cart are gold and at the bottom of every store page.

Finally, I want to introduce a new way to support Low Elo - BUTTONS!

If you're a subscriber, or if you follow me on twitter, you may have seen our first collectable button released in December that features our current cover art. The only way to get that button is for a Low Elo founder to give it to you (or take it from a subscriber who recieved one in December... play nice...) and it was an extremely limited run.

Today I've made available our second button featuring our original artwork from episodes 1-16. These are available for purchase and I only ordered a few of them. My goal is to put out one or two new buttons every month so I hope you enjoy them!

You can buy them, and other Low Elo merch, at our store. As always a HUGE shout out goes to our paid subscribers who go a long way to make all of this possible. It wouldn't be Low Elo without you.


Jeff W.


Low Elo Podcast EP. 58 - Plants Are OP

Low Elo presents Episode 58 - Where we oogle and coo all over the League Championship Series EU qualifiers, discuss Zyra's OPness growing wildly out of control, and sit down for some story time with a hefty dose of listener email.

For next week, we ask you to tell us - of all the NA and EU teams in LCS, which is your favorite and why.

You can email your stories, art, questions and other jibber jabber to

You can follow this week's hosts at @LowEloDave, ctf1990, @ThatDarkskeGuy and @RinTheYordle.

We would also like to remind listeners that we will be moving our stream from to You'll want to subscribe to our channel to stay up to date with our streaming schedule but you can always find us at

This episode's soundtrack is Skip Sandwich DX-Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy (EC Touch Drinky Get Hyphy Remix) by Electric Children.

Download Low Elo Episode 58


Low Elo Podcast EP. 57 - The Meta Has You

Low Elo League of Legends Podcast presents to you episode 57 where we share our excitement regarding Thresh and anticipate the European LCS qualifiers. We also take a look back at IEM Katowice, Poland and talk about some of the bottom lane experiments we've been running.

This week, we ask you to share stories about the champions you may not be very good at but love to play anyways.

You can email your stories, art, questions and other jibber jabber to

You can follow this week's hosts at @EatGamer, @LowEloDave, ctf1990 and @RinTheYordle.

We would also like to remind listeners that we will be moving our stream from to You'll want to subscribe to our channel to stay up to date with our streaming schedule but you can always find us at

This episode's soundtrack is Vanity Beach by Premio Misterio.

Download Low Elo Episode 57


Low Elo Podcast EP. 56 - A Few Good Ganks

Episode 56 of the Low Elo League of Legends podcast updates the roster of teams for the North American League Challenger Series and cover the most recent round of season 3 changes to champions, the jungle and items like Crystalline Flask.

This week, we ask for your Malphite queue tips. You can send queue tips and other email to

You can follow this week's hosts at @EatGamer, @LowEloDave, @ctf1990 and @ThatDarkskeGuy.

This episode's soundtrack is The Ambassador of Death by Holy Pain.

Download Low Elo Episode 56