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Entries in Curse (9)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 61 - Pancakecast

This week, Low Elo explores Lux, talks about your health and expectations for LCS after week two.

Your task this week is to play around the new HP meta-game and email us your results at

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ThatDarkskeGuy.

We would also like to remind listeners that we have moved our stream to You'll want tosubscribe to our channel to stay up to date with our streaming schedule and catch the action

This episode's soundtrack is Better Believe It by Burning Bright.

Download Low Elo Episode 61


Low Elo Podcast EP. 36 - Major League Slip 'n Slide

This week's episode of Low Elo welcomes back Rin and Christian and arrives on the heels of MLG's League of Legends Summer Championship. We've got a lot to talk about including the disqualification of the first and second place teams. We're very disappointed in you, pros!

We also take time to talk about our new favourite underdog (cat) Rengar, some basics for new summoners and a back to school themed game for you to write us about.

Send your email to and say hello some time on twitter as @EatGamer @LowEloDave @ctf1990 and @RinTheYordle.

MLG regarding the DQ of Curse and Dignitas

Dignitas on MLG Summer Championship

Redbeard (Riot VP eSports) providing clarification

Curse video apologizing to fans for ARAM but denying any other wrong doing

Download Low Elo Episode 36


Low Elo Podcast EP. 22 - Crittlesticks Is Not A Thing

On this episode of the finest League of Legends podcast known only as Low Elo, we cover the new and improved summoner's rift, Darius, the Hand of Noxus and the nerfs and buffs in the latest patch. We also cover the latest set of trades between CLG, Dignitas and Curse that have landed Saintvicious on the luckless Curse team.

When you're done, email us at or with your suggestions, shout outs and ideas for our weekly game to be read on air.

Saintvicious joins Curse

Darius Patch Notes

Wingsofdeathx regarding TSM Evo

Download Low Elo Episode 22


Low Elo Podcast EP. 7 - A Different Vayne

In this latest and greatest episode of Low Elo: the League of Legends podcast for the people, we talk about the recent arrival of Ziggs, the Hexplosives Expert, on the pro scene, the nerfs to Soraka and Sona, a shiney new Shen and some speculation on Viktor. We also continue our quest to break the meta with Leona mid.

Oh, and there's a new champion named Nautilus. We talk about him too.

Stay a while and listen!

Download Low Elo Episode 7