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Entries in jungle (9)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 80 - Woozle Wuzzle

This week on Low Elo, Dave and Jeff go long format on Nunu in the jungle, some tips on how to accept help and we respond to many of your email.

This week is a queue tip week so send us your tips and tricks for playing and defeating Kogmaw. You can send responses to the game and all other email to

You can reach the hosts of this episode on twitter at @EatGamer and @LowEloDave.

This week's track is Evolve by Electric Type.

Download Low Elo Episode 80


Low Elo Podcast EP. 19 - It's A Jungle Out There

Mundo is bad... in the jungle. All of popular oppinion is against us but we here at Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast for the People aren't in it to be popular. We're in it to be right! So, in this episode, we go over what makes a good jungler and it's all about player skills over champion picks and clear times. We also invite Rin back to talk about the evolving AP itemization, the new spectator mode and to join us while we bait a trap to catch Christian and force him to do his Amumu voice for us.

If you have feedback or want to join us for the game send email to

Download Low Elo Episode 19


Low Elo Podcast EP. 12 - Made of Murder

 Lulu is made of murder. Trust us. Listen, play her, email us your experiences and come back next week so we can talk about how amazing this new and innovative support fresh out of Riot's offices performs. We also discuss the new item, Maw of Malmortius and what it could potentially mean for the meta game. We also talk about our attempts to break the meta M5 style over the last week with support in the jungle. Here's a hint - it's SUPER EFFECTIVE!

Download, listen, write us back and don't forget to say hey on the NA servers in our LowElo chat room.

Download Low Elo Episode 12


Low Elo Podcast EP. 11 - Red Dawn 2

Jeff is back in the studio just in time to welcome LoL's new, Russian overlords. We talk about M5's utter dominance at IEM Hannover, the strategy they used, and the new top support Janne. We also talk about the role of the jungler, the vulnerabilitiy of the jungle, how to counter jungle and other ways to bring pro strategy into your games. This is our 11th episode of Low Elo: the League of Legends Podcast for the players and we thank you, the players, for listening.

Download Low Elo Episode 11