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Entries in league of legends (127)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 68 - Yeti Bro Fist

Jeff's back along with Dave and Shea and that means it's time for another episode of Low Elo!

This week we recap the state of LCS, including the risk of being replaced for many of the teams. We also talk about the new TPA skins that are badass if not timely, the upswing in Miss Fortune play and the evolved state of the Support meta.

Our game this week presents you with the opportunity to choose a champion as the next companion for Dr. Who. Send email, answers and consulting inquiries to

You can follow the hosts via twitter at @EatGamer @LowEloDave and @ThatDarkskeGuy.

This episode's soundtrack is The 3rd by Anitek.

Download Low ELo Episode 68


Low Elo Podcast EP. 67 - Let's Talk TSM

This week we talk TSM, speculate heavily on Riot's lore updates and review changes big and small in Patch 3.5 and on PBE. Oh yeah, and Jarvan. The Prince is OP.

Our game this week asks you which champions are prime candidates for product sponsorship. You can send your contributions, questions, love letters and nature recordings to

You can follow the hosts at @LowEloDave @seeteefelts and @ThatDarkskeGuy. Also Jeff is awesome and you can follow him at @EatGamer because even though he's not in the show he actually writes all of these descriptions so I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!

This episodes soundtrack is Salamander by Tracky Birthday.

Download Low Elo Episode 67


Low Elo Podcast EP. 64 - Just Smooth...

It's episode 64 of Low Elo and that could only mean one thing: it's time to revisit Lulu!

This week we talk about TSM's navels and then ask you to give up something in League of Legends for lent. Join in on the fasting fun (or send us other email)at

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave@ctf1990and @RintheYordle.

We would also like to remind listeners that we have moved our stream to You'll want tosubscribe to our channel to stay up to date with our streaming schedule and catch the action

This episode's soundtrack is In Ruins by Fol Chen.

Download Low Elo Episode 64


Low Elo Podcast EP. 63 - Where Does Quinn Go?

This week, Low Elo talks about Quinn, Karma and lane swaps. Don't forget, folks! We're releasing earlier in the week than usual now!

This week we ask you... where does Quinn go? If you know, tell us (or send us other email)at

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave@ctf1990and @RintheYordle.

We would also like to remind listeners that we have moved our stream to You'll want tosubscribe to our channel to stay up to date with our streaming schedule and catch the action

This episode's soundtrack is Blackroad by Tyrannic Toy.

Download Low Elo Episode 63