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Entries in league of legends (127)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 54 - Punching Is Cool

Episode 54 of Low Elo is here! A year ago this week we released our first episode and who could ever have predicted we'd be where we are today?

This week, CLG can't help but make headlines, Vi gets the once over and we ask why the question why is such a bad question.

This week we ask you for your League of Legends New Year's resolutions. Send them to

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer @LowEloDave @ctf1990 and @ThatDarkskeGuy.

This week's music is In Fielder by Miro Belle.

Download Low Elo Episode 54


Low Elo Podcast EP. 53 - Get Your Phreak On

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the League.

Not a player was raging, not even in threes.

The forums were filled with wishes so dear.

In hopes that new nerfs soon would be here.

When from the speakers there was a loud ring.

Who could that be? A new call incoming?

Back to our screens we flashed like a spell.

Opened up Skype and what it did tell.

And what to our wondering ears he did say.

Was "let's record tonight and release christmas day".

The caller was familiar and of League he could speak.

Please welcome our guest David Turley. You know him as Phreak.

So we hope you'll enjoy, our 53rd.

We think it's the best that we've ever heard.

And from all of us at Low Elo we thank you for the year.

We appreciate your support. We'll keep the message clear.

And on that bombshell, we delivered our closers.

We said goodnight, thanks for listening and stay classy, Summoners.

Download Low Elo Episode 53


Low Elo Podcast EP. 52 - Merry Christmas

This week, Legacy Skins, RP refunds, Holiday flare and Gift giving galore including a much deserved gift to our good friend Diana who has recently been suffering from a laundry list of nerfs that have this previously #1 AP practically vanishing from play overnight.

This week we ask who you'd replace Santa with in a pinch and as always you can send your answers for the game to

You can reach the hosts of this show at @EatGamer @LowEloDave and@ThatDarkskeGuy.

This week's music is Christmas Day With Me by Laura Vane & the Vipertones.

Download Low Elo Episode 52


Low Elo Podcast EP. 51 - Ghost of Reggae Past

This week at Low Elo, our full house continues impressions and guidance for the pre-season as we explore season 3 item and mastery changes (we haven't even touched on the subtle changes to the map yet!). We also give our impressions of Nami and encourage you to innovate.

This week's queue tip is for Nocturn, a champion that all bets indicate will be a major player in season 3.

As always, send your queue tips and other email to

You can reach out to the hosts this week at @EatGamer @LowEloDave@ctf1990, @RintheYordle and@ThatDarkskeGuy.

This week's music is 4everysmiley by Infinite Livez.

Download Low Elo Episode 51