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Entries in league of legends (127)


Low Elo Podcast EP. 115 - Pillars

We break from the norm (not really) and talk about the guiding principles Riot has set out for the development and support of League of Legends (really we just wanted to talk about Morello). We also talk about upgrading trinkets and intelligent design.

We continue our game of emote creation and don't forget that July is Low Elo Slam Poetry month! Send your email as poetry to

Follow the team on Twitter RIGHT HYA!

Don't forget to check out our sponsor at where you can use the coupon code lowelo for 5$ off your first purchase. Trust us. Your man's face deserves it.

This episode's soundtrack is also from the Pentakill tracks.

Download Low Elo Episode 115


Low Elo Podcast EP. 114 - Unnecessary Champions

Hello Low Elo fans! This week on the only League of Legends podcast Dave speaks in tongues, Jeff forgets the name of Sunfire Cape and Erik fails to rap! We also talk about the massive changes in the recent patch (which has since been patched... CALLED IT!).

We've also named July Low Elo Poetry Month and invite you to send in your emails, make your comments and leave your iTunes reviews as poems! We're even running a month long peotry jam contest so send in your best/funniest/most clever Low Elo Slam Poetry to!

This week the game is to choose an existing champion skin and come up with the one emote that skin needs to make it the best skin ever EVAR. You can send your answer and all other email (hopefully in poetry form) to

Don't forget to follow the team on twitter. You can find them all here.

Note: due to a hard drive failure, the embedded version of the show and show artwork are not yet available. You can still download with the link below or via iTunes. This post will be updated with the embedded player you're used to at a later date. Sorry for the dust!

Download Low Elo Episode 114


Low Elo Podcast EP. 113 - SlamBall

Welcome back to Low Elo. Posted a day late but never a dollar short, this week we cover... SlamBall? No, wait a second. We talk about the new summoner's rift, our evolving Fantasy LCS strategies and the upsetting pro scene (you know... because of upset games...).

The game this week asks where you would put a trampoline in the new summoner's rift to make it more EXTREME and as always you can send your answers along with other email to

All hail the mighty Blue Robots, follow the team on twitter

This episode's soundtrack is Lightbringer by Pentakill.

Download Low Elo Episode 113


Low Elo Podcast EP. 112 - Dyrus Gets A Double Kill

This week on Low Elo, the League of Legends Podcast, Dave wins his league, Jeff benches TSM, Braum brings back the mustache, a lesson on tower mechanics and then Dyrus gets a double kill.

The game this week - 2v5 medium bots on summoner's rift! Fastest victory without a death wins! Send screenshots of your victory to!

Tweet the hosts at @EatGamer, @LowEloDave and @belsaas!

This episode's soundtrack is Portasound Dub by Robodub.

Download Low Elo Episode 112