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Low Elo Podcast EP. 98 - Get Phreaky With It

Episode 98 of Low Elo is here (finally!) and we're happy to welcome David "Phreak" Turley back to the show in what is becoming a tradition for the first episode of the new year.

In the midst of heavy holiday travel, Phreak, Dave and Christian pass the time while remembering times now past and a look to the future.

Send your around the world updates, questions and other email to

You can follow the hosts at @EatGamer @LowEloDave @ctf1990 and @RiotPhreak.

This episode's soundtrack is Alice In Horror Land by Voodoo Puppets.

Download Low Elo Episode 98


Low Elo Podcast EP. 97 - Best eSports NA

So eSports happened these last couple of weeks. It's nice to get back into the groove and if this is any indiciation of what's to come... well, listen to the episode.

More complete episode notes and banner to come. Also, look forward to our first episode of the new year as we have a returning guest in the next episode!

Download Low Elo Episode 97


Low Elo Podcast EP. 96 - Long Live Support

It's episode 96 of Low Elo, the League of Legends podcast, and we welcome fellow podcaster and international pop sensation Eric Belsaas to the show as our third seat to discuss the evolving pre-season support game, vision and Miley Cyrus.

This week we have issued the Mundo Challenge! You have until December 28th to send us a screenshot at the 10 minute mark of your best score playing Mundo vs any number of bots. No friendly bots allowed and the highest number of kills wins another mystery prize! Send your entries and other holiday email to

You can catch the hosts on twitter as EatGamerLowEloDave and belsaas.

This episode's soundtrack is Poet by HASH.

Download Low Elo Episode 96


Low Elo Podcast EP. 95 - Support Is Dead

On Low Elo 95, Dave and Jeff talk about the state of the support game in the current version. With so many changes recently, it's hard to ignore the effects but it's also easy to believe that more changes are on the way. The only thing that stays the same is that nother ever stays the same.

This week, we ask you which champion would make the best mall Santa replacement and what you'd ask them for while on their lap (you know, before the picture).  Send your game submissions, holiday email, promotions and around the world updates to

Again, please give a visit to our sponsor at and download your free audio book - we love the service and wouldn't recommend it if we didn't use it ourselves!

You can catch the hosts on twitter as EatGamer and LowEloDave.

This episode's soundtrack is The Last of the Last by Mário Gajarský.

Download Low Elo Episode 95