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Low Elo Podcast EP. 90 - Cupcake In Your Ear

This week on Low Elo 90 the whole team has a craving for brains that comes with their favorite time of year. The Harrowing is coming soon and marks the transition into the (North American) holiday season.

Keep sending your email and Jax queue tips to

Tweet the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

This week's musical track is Number 3 by Multifaros.

Download Low Elo Episode 90


Low Elo Podcast EP. 89 - Worlds Apart

This week on Low Elo 89, everything blows up.

Seriously. Dave's power supply blew up and Jeff's motherboard blew up. Once all of that was sorted, though, we talk about the World Championships, the startling predictability of the whole event and some changes we're looking forward to in the current build of the game.

Tweet the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @rustyblitzcrank.

This week's musical track is The Good In Everything by Uncle Neptune.

Download Low Elo Episode 89


Low Elo Podcast EP. 88 - Kha'Zix is a Mandalorian

Episode 88 of Low Elo covers the week of the World Championship Semifinals.

The game of the week asks you which champion should be the 4th character in the recently released GTAV. Send game submissions and other email to

Tweet the hosts at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

This week's musical track is These Days by Robin Grey.

Download Low Elo Episode 88


Low Elo Podcast EP. 87 - A Pirate's Life


YO HO! On this here episode of Low Elo, the League of Legends podcast for the pirate we drift here and der as we look at the lesser realized lessons the World Championships be teachin us, we talk about teamwork and the mighty rightful fear a da unknown!

The game o the week be to replace a dog on the analyst panel with a champion and then ya best be explainin' yerself to us at

Like a parrot ya can tweet us at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

We'd also like ye to show thanks to our gracious sponsor Audible by visiting and downloadin' ye free audio books. Get to it! Free booty is the best kinna booty!

This week the musical talent be provided by FIGURATIVE THEATRE an' there whimsy song MAMMATUS OBLACI.

Download Low Elo Episode 87