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Low Elo Podcast EP. 86 - A is for Awesome

This week, we congratulate Riot on their rediscovered sense of humor, gush over the  recently introduced Team Fight spectator mode, Dave laments the Garen visual update and Jeff laments Dave. This episode was recorded live on our stream at so let us know if you'd like us to do this again in the future.

This week game places you as the first mate of a pirate ship where you'll tell us who your captain is and the name of the ship you're on. You can send game submissions, pictures and thoughts to

You can reach the hosts of this episode on twitter at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

Don't forget to welcome Audible as our sponsor, either. Help yourself and help us out by picking up your free audio book at

This week's musical track is The Pirate And The Dancer by Rolemusic.

Download Low Elo Episode 86


Low Elo Podcast EP. 85 - Back to the Future

This week on Low Elo: The Only League of Legends Podcast Jeff and Christian return from PAX Prime 2013 with wildly differing perspectives but generally the same memories, Dave talks about the future, we examine the slippery slope of map specific balancing and talk about our reinvigorated love for the tournament scene.

Of course we'd also like to welcome Audible as our sponsor! Help yourself and help us out by picking up your free audio book at It's a great service and makes books accessible without all of the time consuming hassle of actually reading.

This week we ask for queue tips for Lucian! Send those along with your art, around the world updates, pictures and thoughts to

You can reach the hosts of this episode on twitter at @EatGamer@LowEloDave and @ctfelts.

This week's musical track is Press Enter to Enter by Deft Aphid.

Download Low Elo Episode 85


Low Elo Podcast EP. 84 - A Bout of Dementia

This week Dave takes over while Jeff packs his bags for PAX Prime. Along with Christian, the three discuss the implications of recent item changes (Phage, Frozen Mallet and Trinity Force), Lucian's entry to the League of Legends and a few words about using your ultimate.

This week's game begs the question: If your favorite champion were to go to PAX Prime, who/what would they cosplay as? Send answers along with other emails and Low Elo around the world updates to

Your hosts can be reached on twitter here!

Download Low Elo Episode 84


Low Elo Podcast EP. 83 - Welcome to the Jam

This week's episode of Low Elo was recorded a week ago but due to real world circumstances it is only being published now. Sorry about that! Regularly scheduled, up to date programming will resume next week.

This week we cover lies, damn lies and statistics, admit some wrong judgements for Spectral Cowl and give you some tips for working with Wukong.

The game this week asks you which champion would make the best saturday morning cartoon show or which saturday morning cartoon character would make the best champion? Send your answers to

You can reach the Low Elo staff on twitter here as @EatGamer, @LowEloDave and @CTFelts.

This week's musical track is Great Lakes by John Wort Hannam.

Download Low Elo Episode 83